Glide Enterprise


The Handling of Personal Information

In regard to the importance of the protection of personal information in relation to the law on personal information our privacy policy will be observed and we will endeavor to protect all people’s privacy

The Definition of Personal Information

Information applicable to the individual. Name, date of birth, sex, telephone number, e-mail address, profession, place of employment and discernible information about the individual.

Chief Privacy Officer

Manager:Dr.LuLuLun Inc.
Representative:Tatsunori Niioka

Collection And Use of Persona Information

Our company’s collection and use of personal information will require the client prearranged consent. When the client provides personal information, we consider that the client has permitted us to use personal information according to this policy.
• Credit card
(Visa/MasterCard/UCB/American Express/DINERS)
• Payment on delivery
• Payment after delivery (convenient stores • Postal transfer • Bank transfer)

Presenting Personal Information to a Third Party

Our company will never disclose or give personal information to a third party without getting prior permission from the client unless there is a good cause according to the law.

Outsourcing Company Control

We sometimes release certain personal details to outsourcing companies when we offer the products and services to the clients for executing the work.
In such cases we will exercise control of the outsourcing companies with a view to handling the personal information in an appropriate manner.

Management of Personal Information

In order to protect personal information from leakage, loss, accumulated loss and other, we will employ a chief privacy officer for security purposes in order to adopt the most appropriate way of managing personal information from the clients in order to keep the personal information accurate and up to date.

Reference, Collection and Deletion of Personal Information Contents

When the client wishes to refer, collect and delete their personal information provided to our company, after confirming their identity we will endeavor to accommodate with immediacy.


金井 祐一(かない ゆういち)


昭和34年 警視庁入庁
・第4機動隊長、東京空港、中央各警察署長 歴任
・警察功績賞、精励賞、総監賞多数受賞、平成25年 叙勲 瑞宝双光章を受賞

笹川 堯(ささがわ たかし)



糸川 正晃(いとかわ まさあき)

・公益財団法人 全日本空手道連盟 理事